1. Our ADHD assessment will very accurately point out areas of cognitive weaknesses, then determine the best approach to resolve the problems. The assessment can be done at the clinic or remotely.
2. We offer one of the most technologically advanced assessments in the field. In fact, 95% of people assessed by us rated the assessment process as “significantly exceeded my expectations” (5 stars) and 5% rated it as “exceeded my expectations.” (4 stars). See HUNDREDS of client reviews here.
3. Our ADHD assessment and training programs are not covered by OHIP, but they are significantly more comprehensive. We treat the cause not the symptoms!
4. We treat both children (6 years and older) and adults. We allow parents (for children) and spouse/siblings (for adults) to watch the entire assessment process because it is such an educational process.
5. While coaching, counseling, psychotherapy, meditation, yoga and similar can, at times, be helpful, only an extensive neuro-cognitive approach, such as the one used at our clinic, can resolve the neurology associated with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and learning disabilities (LD).
6. We do not use medication or supplements. In fact, our program can help those taking medication to reduce, even eliminate the need for medication. There is no supplement in existence that can re-wire the brain. Our programs do (when needed).
7. ADHD/LD/CAPD/Dyslexia/Asperger syndrome and similar are neuro-cognitive disorders, therefore only a comprehensive neuro-cognitive approach, such as the one used at our clinic, can solve the difficulties associated with these conditions. Unlike any other programs that work from the outside in, our patented, revolutionary programs work from the inside out thus solving the problem at the core and permanently.
8. Our programs have proven to produce remarkable improvement when treating attention/learning/language and memory disorders. There are many programs, brain games and similar in the market. Our programs are not only the most comprehensive, but they “know” how to teach the brain to transfer the skills from the training to everyday life (classroom, work, etc). We do not know of any other program that can do that.
9. Most of our programs can be done at home, under our supervision with periodical follow-ups at the clinic. For individuals out of the province or country, follow-ups are done via phone or Zoom.
10. We offer one of the highest rate of success in this field. Our programs change lives! Please see more detailed video testimonials on this website to get a good idea of what our programs can do for you and/or for your child.
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